NIHR Maudsley BRC: Looking back at our top stories for 2023

a year in review - composite image of various people highlighted in the news story

This year marked the launch of our research themes (2022-27) campaign, and a number of projects to showcase and enable research taking place throughout our host organisations, such as a photography exhibition in the Maudsley Hospital and the launch of an NIHR Research Support Service at King's College London.

We made the headlines - from the news that 1 in 5 of us experience misophonia, to the links between mental illness and shorter life spans. Our blog explored topical issues, looking at how we can develop an ethical AI for healthcare, and the impact of the welfare system on mental health, among other subjects.

Discover some of our biggest news stories and blogs of 2023 at the NIHR Maudsley BRC: 



New framework aims to unlock the potential for social media research into young people's mental health

Mental health, welfare and state support: the potential of combining different datasets

What’s your sound barrier? Nearly 1 in 5 people in the UK find everyday sounds intolerable, finds our research, into a condition known as misophonia.

'Our Research Themes': introducing our nine themes and the people leading them

Molecular ageing clocks – making the links between mental illness and shorter lifespans

Celebrating research with the launch of a new Take Part in Research online database a new resource aimed at service users and the wider public.



New NIHR Research Support Service established at King's College London

New brain scan study discovers possible biological basis of visual snow syndrome

Inflammatory signs for adolescent depression differ between boys and girls: Read the research led by IoPPN.

What can humans do to guarantee an ethical AI in healthcare? Dr Raquel Iniesta explores the current status of AI in healthcare in two blogs.

A showcase of research in eating and weight disorders celebrates the launch of CREW - watch talks and see photos from the event.

Changing Lives through Research photography exhibition: captures images of research from across the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.


Tags: Staff News - South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust -

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 15 Dec 2023, 10:48 AM

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