Covid-19 Psychiatry and Neurological Genetics (COPING) study



The Covid-19 Psychiatry and Neurological Genetics (COPING) study is run by the NIHR BioResource Centre Maudsley (part of the NIHR BioResource).

Previous research has shown that viral pandemics can lead to substantial distress in society and negatively influence mental and neurological health. The COPING study will assess the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on mental and neurological health. We are interested in how different factors associated with the virus are affecting the population.

To take part in the COPING study you need to be a member of the GLAD Study, EDGI or other NIHR BioResource project.

It involves completing an initial questionnaire which will take about 25-45 minutes with the option to consent to receive follow up questionnaires every two weeks throughout the pandemic. These follow-up questionnaires will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will help researchers to understand how the impact of the pandemic may change over time.

Many participants of the NIHR BioResource have already been invited to get involved. The research team would like to recruit a wide sample of participants to provide information on their physical, brain and psychological health. COPING are collaborating with other projects (such as the Repeated Assessment of Mental Health in Pandemics (RAMP) study) to recruit as many people as possible to get the broadest picture of the effects of COVID-19 on the population’s health.

Professor Gerome Breen, who is leading the COPING team, said

“We aim to understand the impact of the COVID-19 socio-economic crises and the effects of COVID-19 infection on mental and neurological health. We want to use social, psychological and genetic risk factors to find what predicts both resilience and risk.”

Join the study

If you wish to join the COPING study but are not a member of the NIHR BioResource and/or the GLAD and EDGI projects, you can join: 

  • our partnered project RAMP (,
  • or the NIHR BioResource and/or the GLAD or EDGI projects, and provide a DNA sample, please go to or to check eligibility criteria and sign up.
  • the NIHR BioResource, please email

Lastly, if you are a NIHR BioResource participant who wants to take part in COPING but have not received an invite, please email

For more information, download the COPING information sheet

Tags: Covid-19 - BioResource - Biomarkers & genomics -

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 29 May 2020, 09:00 AM

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