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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion representatives announced


EDI representatives

As part of NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy we have appointed 14 representatives to support our work.  

The NIHR Maudsley BRC themes and core programmes each have an EDI lead researcher. They are responsible for championing local EDI initiatives.  

Each representative is working with Dr Mariana Pinto da Costa, Consultant Psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and Senior Lecturer at King’s IoPPN and our NIHR Maudsley BRC Champion for Culture, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and they report to her on their progress. 

Dr Mariana Pinto da Costa says,

“I am delighted to work with a team of EDI representatives who are integral to fostering an inclusive research culture where diversity thrives and innovation flourishes.”   

The appointed EDI representatives are:  

  • Child Mental Health & Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Dr Megan Earl, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, King's IoPPN 
  • Digital Therapies (co-EDI leads): Dr Tom Ward, Research Clinical Psychologist, King's IoPPN and Dr Frances Meeten, Clinical Psychologist Senior Lecturer, King's IoPPN 
  • Eating Disorders and Obesity: Dr Mariana Lopes, Research Associate, King's IoPPN
  • Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics: Dr Ndaba Mazibuko, Clinical Research Fellow and Study Clinician in Clinical Neuroscience at King's IoPPN
  • Informatics: Hannah Woods, Data Linkage Research and Governance Coordinator, CRIS team, NIHR Maudsley BRC 
  • Motor Neuron Disease: Dr Ahmad Al Khleifat, Senior Research Fellow, King's IoPPN 
  • Neuroimaging: Dr Danai Dima, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Neuroimaging, King's IoPPN 
  • Pain and Addictions: Dr Franziska Denk, Reader at King’s IoPPN 
  • Psychosis and Mood Disorders: Professor Gemma Modinos, Professor of Neuroscience & Mental Health at King's IoPPN
  • Trials, Genomics and Prediction: Professor Kim Goldsmith, Professor of Medical Statistics & Complex Intervention Methodology in the Department of Biostatistics & Health Informatics, King's IoPPN
  • Bioresource: Dr Shannon Bristow, Research Associate, deputy manager of the NIHR Bioresource Maudsley team and part-time PhD student at King's 
  • Patient and Public Involvement: Dr Juliana Onwumere, Reader in Clinical Psychology, King's IoPPN 
  • PhD Students: Maria-Mihaela Avram, PhD Student, King's IoPPN 


  Professor Grainne McAlonan, Director of the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) said,

“Thank you to each of our representatives for taking on this role. Our BRC is committed to ensuring that EDI is integral to our research culture. We have a unique opportunity to do so, with the good fortune to be based in one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK. By embedding representatives in each of our themes, who will work together and in collaboration with the core BRC team and the wider communities of King’s IoPPN and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust , we aim to create systemic improvements and enable excellence throughout our research.” 

These representatives will be supporting the delivery of this EDI strategy in the current NIHR Maudsley BRC funding cycle. 

Tags: Child Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Digital Therapies - Eating Disorders & Obesity - Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics - Informatics - Motor Neuron Disease - Neuroimaging - Pain and Addictions - Psychosis and Mood Disorders - Geonomics and Prediction - Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) -

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 22 Jul 2024, 00:00 AM

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