Research blog: Trialling an online tool to help women make decisions about antidepressants in pregnancy

A new tool to help pregnant women make decisions about antidepressant medication is being developed and tested.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 29 Jun 2016

Mental health hackday - your help needed

Are you interested in mental health and technology? The Centre for Translational Informatics needs your help!

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 27 Jun 2016

Film mental health summer school

Explore how movies and documentaries are used in mental health in a new one-off two day course.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 22 Jun 2016

Centre for Translational Informatics launches

#DigitalPragmatrism - Centre for Translational Informatics (CTI) launches.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 8 Jun 2016

Research blog International Clinical Trials Day

Find out what a research worker in a clinical trial does in our special blog for International Clinical Trials Day.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 20 May 2016