NIHR Maudsley BRC Blog

Our latest news and events

Teens with problematic smartphone use are twice as likely to have anxiety – and many are eager to cut down

Two new studies of smartphone habits in teenagers have identified links between problematic smartphone use (PSU) and depression, anxiety and insomnia. The research revealed that one in eight young people want help to reduce their smartphone use.


By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 1 Aug 2024

EDI representatives for BRC announced

As part of NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (BRC)’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy we have appointed 14 representatives to support our work. The NIHR Maudsley BRC themes and core programmes each have an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead researcher. They are responsible for championing local EDI initiatives. 


By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 22 Jul 2024

Self-harm and digital technology overuse in young people with lived mental health experience

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, in partnership with YoungMinds – the UK’s leading children’s mental health charity - has found high levels of problematic mobile phone use, disturbed sleep, and self-harm among young people with mental health conditions. 

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 22 May 2024

Day workshop in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy effectively reduces depression in 16-18 year olds

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London has found that providing 16-18 year olds with a day-long course in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was both a clinically and cost-effective means of improving their mental health.

By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 15 May 2024

Professor Gráinne McAlonan appointed as new Director of the NIHR Maudsley BRC

Professor Gráinne McAlonan has been appointed as Director of the NIHR Maudsley BRC. Gráinne has been Interim Director of the BRC since last summer. The NIHR Maudsley BRC is part of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and hosted by South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King's College London.


By NIHR Maudsley BRC at 10 May 2024