A group of people having a conversation

Resources and infrastructure supporting our strategy

Our strategy development and delivery will be supported by:

Elka Giemza, CRF Manager - with overall responsibility for putting this strategy into practice
Cat Harvey, PPIE Lead - with responsibility for ensuring effective involvement throughout the CRF’s activities

Our partners and collaborators at King’s College Hospital, King’s College London, South London and the Maudsley and its Biomedical Research Centre, the NIHR, and our public members will also provide support and guidance in the PPIE work undertaken and outlined in this strategy.

There are funds to support public involvement activity. Public members will be paid for their time at a rate of up to £25 per hour, in line with current NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination benchmarks [1]. Public members’ reasonable travel expenses will also be reimbursed. We want to make sure that there is equality of opportunity, and that payment is not a barrier for any public members who wish to be involved in the work and activities of the King’s Clinical Research Facility.

Whilst this strategy does not cover other issues related to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in depth, it is an important aspect of any public involvement work. Alongside offering payment, we will be mindful of individuals’ backgrounds and range of experiences and interests when joining us to ensure as diverse a public involvement group as possible. We will also offer any welcome, induction or training materials in accessible formats (such as large print) as required

As part of this strategy, we are also proposing the following key structures to support involvement at the King’s Clinical Research Facility:

- Strategy Group: a small group made up of public members and staff members will review progress made against the strategy goals every quarter as outlined in goal 2. Members will also help the CRF Manager and PPIE lead to explore how involvement might be strengthened more generally.

- An active learning series: the PPIE lead will co-deliver informal training with a public member during established Friday teaching sessions (x 2 per year). The training will be for staff about what public involvement is, and how they best can support involvement and engagement activities as outlined in goal 1. The PPIE lead will also develop a welcome pack for new public members as outlined in goal 1.


[1] https://www.nihr.ac.uk/documents/payment-guidance-for-researchers-and-professionals/27392



To view the acronyms written out in full, please visit the 'acronyms' section of the strategy by clicking here