A group of people having a conversation

Our principles

- Responsive patient and public involvement: we will take ideas onboard, and we will make changes when they are needed

- Respectful patient and public involvement: we will take time to listen to, and learn from, diverse opinions and voices. We will do this with the same level of enthusiasm and interest. We must create an environment where the learning is two-way (between public members and staff members)

- Relationship-centred involvement: we will value everyone and the unique experiences they bring to our work

Our principles were developed drawing on the approaches and behaviours encouraged by the UK Standards for Public Involvement [1]. Whilst all six standards are aspirational, we particularly focused on working together (working in a way that values all contributions) and communication (using clear language for well-timed and relevant communication). See Appendix 1


Strategy principles


Figure 3: Our principles



[1] https://sites.google.com/nihr.ac.uk/pi-standards/home?pli=1



To view the acronyms written out in full, please visit the 'acronyms' section of the strategy by clicking here