A group of people having a conversation

Our partners and collaborators

We receive support from many places. Our partners and collaborators have influenced this Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy as follows:

- King’s Health Partners: we receive academic support from King’s Health Partners [1]. King’s Health Partners is a collaboration between hospitals and universities in the Southeast London area. A guiding principle for King’s Health Partners is to put members of the public first by ensuring they are at the heart of everything. This Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy supports King’s Health Partners’ ethos.

- King’s College Hospital: we are based in King’s College Hospital, and therefore we align ourselves with the hospital strategy, which is to be BOLD [2]:


  • Consisting of Brilliant people
  • Delivering Outstanding care
  • Developing Leaders in research and education
  • With Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion at the centre of it all


Representatives from the King’s College Hospital Patient Experience and Engagement Team have provided us with PPIE support and guidance. 

- King’s College London: we are also based in King’s College London. We plan to collaborate with already established PPIE teams such as the King’s College London Impact and Engagement Services Team and the King’s College London PPI Lead for the Centre of Rheumatic Diseases.

- South London and the Maudsley (SLaM) and its Biomedical Research Centre (BRC): We have significant interactions with SLaM and its BRC. The SLaM Service User Advisory Group have, and will continue to, provide us with PPIE support and guidance. 

- NIHR: we receive funding from the NIHR. We are also supported by the NIHR’s PPIE infrastructure, available resources, and guidance. The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) South London hosts events and provides training and support in PPIE. 

To note: We also received funding from the Wellcome Trust when we were first established. More information on our funders can be found here

- Public members: our public members are key partners and collaborators. As more public members join us, their local community contacts and networks will be invaluable in helping us to build a diverse group. We want the group to be reflective of the South London population we serve.



Partners and Collaborators


Figure 2: Partners and collaborators that have influenced our strategy



[1] https://www.kingshealthpartners.org

[2] https://www.kch.nhs.uk/about/our-strategy



To view the acronyms written out in full, please visit the 'acronyms' section of the strategy by clicking here