A group of people having a conversation

Our action plan

For goal 1, we plan to:

  1. Co-create content for the PPIE webpage with public members. The webpage will be used to share information and reach a wider population of public members and researchers. We will do this by mid 2023, then update content when needed. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and Communications Officer)

  2. Use social media platforms, such as the King's Clinical Research Facility Twitter account, to share information and promote engagement activities with a wider population of public members and researchers. We will do this by early 2023, then update content when needed. (Responsible individuals: Communications Officer)

  3. Install electronic, interactive noticeboards in the CRF to display PPIE information (e.g., involvement opportunities and upcoming events) and other helpful information about the CRF including ‘currently recruiting’, and relevant Twitter feeds. We will do this by mid 2023, then update content quarterly. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead)

  4. Revise and update the welcome pack for research participants who attend the CRF. Co-create a welcome pack with public members for new members as they join us. We will do this by the end of 2023. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead, Communications Officer, and CRF Manager)

  5. Develop a bi-annual newsletter that participants and public involvement members can sign up to for information about relevant CRF news and upcoming events. We will do this by mid 2023, then distribute the newsletter bi-annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and Communications Officer)

  6. Identify opportunities to learn from patient awareness groups, promote the work of the CRF, and join patient awareness-specific health days (e.g., Mental Health Day, Migraine, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Depression). We will do this by mid 2023, then annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and Communications Officer)

  7. Identify opportunities to advertise throughout the trust including to KCH, SLaM, and KCL. We will do this by mid 2023. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and Communications Officer)


For goal 2, we plan to:

  1. Develop a Strategy Group composed of 8-10 core public members and CRF staff to oversee putting this strategy into practice and to make changes where needed. Advert for Strategy Group members to be placed in People in Research [1] with informal virtual interviews to be held to select individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences. See Appendix 2. To be co-chaired by a public member and CRF staff member. We will do this by mid 2023, then meet quarterly. (Responsible Individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  2. Introduce a training needs survey to understand what training is required for public members and CRF staff to ongoingly improve everyone’s experience of PPIEWe will do this by end of 2023. (Responsible Individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  3. Develop training on PPIE for CRF staff and researchers to be co-delivered with a public member during regular Friday teaching sessions (x 2 per year). All staff must attend at least 1 of the sessions. We will do this by early 2024, then training will be delivered bi-annually. (Responsible Individuals: PPIE Lead)

  4. Co-develop and co-deliver induction sessions for PPIE members and ‘knowledge exchange’ events for PPIE members and researchers with the PPIE Lead for the CRF at Guy’s and St. Thomas’. ‘Knowledge exchange’ events to include sharing best practice in involvement and engagement. We will do this by early 2024. (Responsible Individual: PPIE Lead)

  5. Identify further members to join the public involvement group and put together a secure contact database of interested parties. This will ensure we have a wide range of stakeholders to extend the reach of our communications and involvement and engagement activities. We will do this by end of 2023, then ongoingly. (Responsible Individuals: PPIE Lead)

  6. Allocate public members to specific research projects in their areas of interest or expertise (e.g., mental health, haematology). We will do this by early 2024, then ongoingly. (Responsible individual: PPIE Lead)

  7. Develop ‘dragon’s den’ events where public members can give immediate input on researchers’ work (including ideas for recruitment, dissemination, etc.). We will do this by mid 2024, then bi-annually. (Responsible individual: PPIE Lead)

  8. Develop an online community for the public involvement group. This may include opportunities for informal support, empowerment, and networking. We will do this by early 2025. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead, Communications Officer, and Data Manager)

For goal 3, we plan to:

  1. Continue to work with local schools and offer work experience and/or open days for GCSE and A-level students. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  2. Continue to work with Project Search [2] to offer work experience for young adults with learning disabilities and autism or both. We will do this by mid 2023, then annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead, Research Nurses, and CRF Manager)  

For goal 4, we plan to:

  1. Develop feedback mechanisms, such as a short survey to ascertain how many people know about the CRF, if they would be interested in participating in research, and if they would like to join the PPI We will do this annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  2. Continue to use the ‘data at the door’ survey with useful data about visitors to the CRF at King’s College Hospital. We will do this annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  3. Monitor and reflect on progress with specific public involvement activities and events using evaluation forms, which are co-produced with public members. We will do this annually. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)

  4. Towards the end of the strategy invite public members to take part in focus groups or interviews to discuss progress made against each goal and their experience of being involved in the strategy group. We will do this by mid 2025. (Responsible individuals: PPIE Lead and CRF Manager)


[1] https://www.peopleinresearch.org/

[2] https://www.dfnprojectsearch.org



To view the acronyms written out in full, please visit the 'acronyms' section of the strategy by clicking here