A researcher speaking with a patient

Information for researchers

The NIHR King's Clinical Research Facility (CRF) provides dedicated facilities to support the delivery of externally-funded early translational (experimental medicine) research, including early-phase studies (Phase 2a and earlier) and early translational research studies that are nested within later-phase studies.

We are keen to facilitate the work of both new and established investigators.  We also provide an environment in which the pharmaceutical industry can collaborate actively with clinical investigators.

The King's CRF works to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines.  We have processes in place to maintain the standards required by these guidelines, as well as ensuring compliance with the current legislation relating to clinical research.

For researchers

Apply to use the King's CRF

Information for researchers on how to apply to use the NIHR King's Clinical Research Facility (CRF).

How our studies are conducted

The NIHR King's Clinical Research Facility (CRF) complies with all relevant specific regulatory requirements and legislation.
Policies & procedures

Key documentation

Our key Standard Operating Procedures and Policies.

How to credit King's CRF

How studies that use the NIHR King's CRF research facilities, samples, staff, expertise or data should acknowledge the Facility.