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Implementation research

Precision psychiatry has developed into a combined area of clinical research, with many individualised prediction models developed and validated on data from more than 3 million participants aged from 1 to 64 years.

There are many validated individualised prediction models available. These can target multiple psychiatric conditions covering psychotic disorders, affective disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders and several clinically relevant outcomes as well.

Despite the progress we’ve seen in developing and validating individualised prediction models for psychiatry, there are some important barriers to the advancement of knowledge.

  • The first barrier is that across the overall pool of prediction models developed and published in the broader psychiatric literature, only about 15% is properly validated (10% internal validation and 5% independent external validation).
  • The second barrier is that the proportion of prediction models developed and published in psychiatry, only 0.2% is then implemented in clinical routine.

Our Prediction Modelling Group provides innovative approaches to tackle this translational gap and advance implementation science.

Our group is collaborating with other international initiatives such as the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Network for the Prevention of Mental Disorders and Mental Health Promotion (ECNP PMD-MHP) and the European Brain Area Research Area (EBRA) to develop a coherent and global implementation framework, methodological infrastructures and international implementation infrastructures.

For more information

Please contact Dr Paolo Fusar-Poli, Professor of Preventive Psychiatry on paolo.fusar-poli@kcl.ac.uk or Dr Dominic Oliver, PhD Student on dominic.a.oliver@kcl.ac.uk.