Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) - 2012 publications
Chang C-K, Harrison S, Lee W, Taylor D, Stewart R.
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology
Life Expectancy at Birth and All-Cause Mortality Among People with Personality Disorder.
Fok ML-Y, Hayes RD, Chang C-K, Stewart R, Callard FJ, Moran P.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Associations Between Symptoms and All-Cause Mortality in Individuals with Serious Mental Illness.
Hayes RD, Chang C-K, Fernandes A, Begum A, To D, Broadbent M, Hotopf M, Stewart R.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Functional Status and All-Cause Mortality in Serious Mental Illness.
Hayes RD, Chang C-K, Fernandes AC, Begum A, To D, Broadbent M, Hotopf M, Stewart R.
PLoS One
Tulloch A, Fearon P, David AS.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Khat Use Among Somali Mental Health Service Users in south London.
Tulloch A, Frayn E, Craig TKJ, Nicholson T.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Tulloch AD, Khondoker M, Fearon P, David AS.
BMC Psychiatry
Health and Social Functioning of Adults with Intellectual Disability and Autism.
Underwood L, McCarthy J, Tsakanikos E, Howlin P, Bouras N, Craig TKJ.
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities
Wu C-Y, Chang C-K, Hayes RD, Broadbent M, Hotopf M, Stewart R.
Psychological Medicine