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Information for LUCI users

How can you access LUCI?

You can access LUCI via the ePJS landing page using a computer on the Trust network. LUCI automatically authenticates users against a staff directory and all clinical staff with ePJS access will be able to use LUCI.

Please visit our Maud page on the Trust intranet for more information and to view our how-to guides for logging in.

How can you get involved?

We're looking for clinicians from all professional backgrounds to work with us as we redesign LUCI over the next two years - people who understand how clinical services work, how the patient record is used, and what questions we should be using our data to answer are essential in ensuring LUCI works for frontline staff.

We are keen to support people in developing their skills and interest in data science, user-led design, quality improvement and data literacy education by providing flexible opportunities to be involved in the project.

Please get in touch: