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Centre for Innovative Therapeutics (C-FIT)

The Centre for Innovative Therapeutics (C-FIT) exists to support commercial companies and world-leading academics to collaborate more effectively. 

We facilitate the development of new medication and other therapies for CNS disorders, by creating and maintaining collaborative relationships with relevant commercial and charitable organisations, matching the interests of private sector organisations to research expertise and vice-versa.

The C-FIT is a partnership between King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience and South London and Maudsley and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts.  

As part of King's Health Partners, we have world-class research facilities and expertise available to enhance commercial trials and collaborative research project experience. We act as a signpost and first point of contact for industry, and also promote the benefits of collaborating with industry to researchers, patients and carers across our partnership.

Contact us

Based at King’s College London’s Denmark Hill Campus, the C-FIT is led by Mitul Mehta, Professor of Neuroimaging & Psychopharmacology at King’s College London.  

Professor Mitul Mehta can be contacted on his email: