EDI lead researcher - theme representatives

The ten NIHR Maudsley BRC themes and core programmes each have an EDI lead researcher. They are responsible for championing local EDI initiatives. Each EDI lead researcher feeds back to the EDI Champion to report on their progress.


Dr Megan Earl

Child Mental Health & Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Post-Doctoral Research Associate, King's IoPPN
Dr Tom Ward

Digital Therapies (co-EDI lead)

Research Clinical Psychologist, King's IoPPN
Dr Frances Meeten

Digital Therapies (co- EDI lead)

Clinical Psychologist Senior Lecturer, King's IoPPN
Dr Mariana Lopes

Eating Disorders and Obesity

Research Associate, King's IoPPN
Dr Ndaba Mazibuko

Experimental Medicine and Novel Therapeutics

Clinical Research Fellow and Study Clinician in Clinical Neuroscience at King's IoPPN.
Alice Broadbent


Research Assistant, CRIS team, NIHR Maudsley BRC



Dr Ahmad Al Khleifat

Motor Neuron Disease

Senior Research Fellow
Dr Danai Dima


Senior Research Fellow, Department of Neuroimaging
Dr Franziska Denk

Pain and Addictions

Reader at King’s College London
Professor Gemma Modinos

Psychosis and Mood Disorders

Professor of Neuroscience & Mental Health at King's IoPPN
Professor Kim Goldsmith

Trials, Genomics and Prediction

Professor of Medical Statistics & Complex Intervention Methodology in the Department of Biostatistics & Health Informatics, King's IoPPN.
Dr Shannon Bristow


Research Associate, deputy manager of the NIHR Bioresource Maudsley team and part-time PhD student at King's



Dr Juliana Onwumere

Patient and Public Involvement

Reader in Clinical Psychology, King's IoPPN
Maria-Mihaela Avram

PhD Students

PhD Student, King's IoPPN